Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
We have gathered together a number of useful links related to the Sustainable Development Goals for your convenience. Search links by relevant SDG or by keyword using the search bar.
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Change starts with you. Pick up one of the 170 actions and act towards the global Goals
Aid Data
Committed to helping the international community develop better tools to focus resources, monitor progress and facilitate dialogue around the global goals
An advocacy guide on implementing the SDGs to advance women's rights & gender equality
Provides advice on how to advocate to ensure commitments to women’s rights and gender equality in the SDGs are fully implemented, resourced and monitored at national and local level
Business for 2030
Tries to answer if and how companies are striving to meet the SDGs
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
Ranks the top 100 companies across the agricultural products, apparel and extractives industries on their human rights related policies, processes, practices and responses
Digital with Purpose: Delivering a SMARTer2030
This report explores how digital technologies can be deployed to drive impact against the SDGs
Measures the likelihood of humanity achieving each of the 17 SDgs by 2030 by focusing on companies around the world
Earth Changers
Earth Changers research & showcase the best positive impact, transformative, sustainable tourism for people to find & book trips that truly change the world. Featuring life-changing places with world-changing people for extraordinary experiences with purpose, learn how travel implements each of the SDGs in tourism for sustainable development
Equileap - Gender Equality in the Workplace
Accelerating progress towards gender equality in the workplace
Global Citizen
Global Citizen is a movement of engaged citizens who are using their collective voice to end extreme poverty by 2030. On their platform, Global Citizens learn about the systemic causes of extreme poverty, take action on those issues, and earn rewards for their actions — as part of a global community committed to lasting change.