Linking to Goals 12, 13, 14, and 15, this report sets baseline expectations for companies to provide proactive and constructive input to Governments to advocate for the creation of effective climate policies.
Extracellular Matrix and the Liver, Approach to Gene Therapy, 2003, Pages 135-151
This chapter aligns with the SDG goal 3 of good health and wellbeing by showing how cells can be isolated from the liver of untreated animals and used to analyze the effects of mediators thought to be involved in the inflammatory process.
Linking to Goal 6 and Goal 16, this report provides guidance for companies on respecting the human rights to water and sanitation
Linking to Goal 16, this guide has been produced to assist companies preparing themselves to implement the objectives of the 10th principle and to deal with corruption in every aspect of their operations.
Linking to Goal 16 and 17, this report aims to assist companies in implementing responsible business practices in conflict-affected and high-risk areas consistent with the Global Compact Ten Principles.
Linking to Goal 6, this report is a guide to responsible business engagement with water policy.
Linking to Goal 16, this publication identifies a range of concrete actions that Governments and international organizations can undertake to better assist private-sector efforts to promote effective conflict-sensitive business practices.
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, & Conflict, Second Edition, 2008, Pages 2456-2467
This article advances SDGs 5 and 16 by examining the distinct impact that war has on women because of their gender, the various ways that women respond to war and the roles they play, the major debates within this field of study, and, finally, gender inequality as a cause of violence in peacetime and wartime.