

Water Treatment Using Engineered Carbon Nanotubes, Micro and Nano Technologies series, 2024, Pages 63-96

Aligns with Goals 12 and 13 by describing the role of carbon-based materials in water treatment, the challenges to progress, and the future of these carbon-based materials in this field.

Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 52, August 2024

This paper highlights the importance for conservation biologists and on-the-ground practitioners to engage more with local pastoralists to tackle the complex and infrequently described conflicts on how best to implement protective policies.
With evident relevance to SDG 6, the research explores a water pollution control technology evaluation model based on the Pythagorean language neutrosophic set (PLNS) in the context of the pulp and paper industry. The authors' model aims to assist in the choice of appropriate water pollution control technology for those working within the paper industry. It is tested in an example based in China.

World Humanitarian Day 2025

World Humanitarian Day is an international day dedicated to recognizing humanitarian personnel and those who have died working for humanitarian causes. Designated by the United Nations General Assembly, this day honors the efforts of those who risk their lives in the service of others. Observed on August 19th, it commemorates the tragic loss of Sérgio Vieira de Mello, the then Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Iraq, and 21 of his colleagues in the bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad.

The Significance of Humanitarian Work

2024's Nelson Mandela International Day: Celebrating Unity and Service

Celebration and Recognition

Nelson Mandela International Day is celebrated annually on July 18th, Mandela's birthday, honoring his legacy and the values he stood for. In 2024, this day calls upon individuals worldwide to dedicate 67 minutes of their time to community service, reflecting the 67 years Nelson Mandela devoted to fighting for social justice.

Origin and Global Involvement

2024's World Population Day: Addressing Global Challenges

Celebration and Recognition

World Population Day is observed annually on July 11th to raise awareness about global population issues. In 2024, this day will highlight critical topics such as family planning, gender equality, poverty, maternal health, and human rights.

Origin and Global Involvement

To understand how best to help patients and improve health during an epidemic it is necessary to have good modelling techniques and protocols.
This year’s RELX SDG Inspiration Day will bring together global AI leaders, corporate representatives, investors, government, and NGOs to explore issues, gain practical insights and be inspired to take action in support of the Global Goals. Elsevier is proud to share this special collection of articles and chapters in celebration of this event.
This study introduces an innovative method using DNA barcodes to accurately identify species, addressing the critical issue of trafficking invaluable medicinal plants like Trillium govanianum.

World Environment Day on June 5 is the biggest international day for the environment. Countries across the globe participate in this UN international day, with millions of people in government, business, civil society, schools and celebrities engaging online and in-person to raise awareness and influence environmental action. World Environment Day in 2024 focuses on restoring land, building drought resilience and stopping desertification under the campaign slogan, “Our Land.
