United Nations Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact is a voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals. The UNGC is a call to companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to take action in support of UN goals and issues embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals. The UN Global Compact is a leadership platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible corporate practices. Launched in 2000, it is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with more than 9,000 companies and 3,000 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries, and more than 70 Local Networks.

RELX Group has been a signatory to the UN Global Compact since 2004 and its SDG Resource Centre will play an important role in the dissemination of business-driven knowledge, tools & resources, and expertise to advance the SDGs.

The United Nations Global Compact partnered with RELX Group for the launch of the RELX Group SDG Resource Centre on 21 June 2017.

Lise Kingo, former CEO and Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact: the call to action to mobilise business behind the SDGs

Our partner content:
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This webinar focuses on the role of business in promoting decent work in global supply chains, which are issues covered by Goals 8 and Goals 16
Advancing human rights is at the heart of goal 16. This report identifies good practices that businesses can use to prevent and mitigate risks of being involved with adverse human rights impacts.
This report advances SDG 16 by exploring the human rights responsibilities and practical implications faced by business when addressing adverse human rights impacts connected to product misuse.
This report takes stock of the contribution of UN Global Compact business participants towards sustainable development. The report assesses progress in terms of how companies are taking action on the Ten Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals, and features ten interviews with disruptive business leaders. It also highlights ten focus areas for the future where further business engagement is needed.
The Women's Empowerment Principles Gap Analysis Tool (WEPs Tool) helps companies benchmark their performance against the 7 WEPs Principles. It helps companies discover their contributions to improve gender equality and identifies areas that need improvement. This tool directly helps to advance SDG 5. The WEPS, a joint initiative of UN Global Compact and UN Women, were developed in 2010 to provide a holistic framework to empower women and girls in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
The Global Opportunity Explorer is a UN Global Compact platform which showcases the most innovative solutions, market opportunities and cities. Rooted in over five years of research involving 18,000 business leaders and 17 expert panels, the Explorer guides you through hundreds of sustainable solutions and market opportunities which address the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
This chapter explores how five business leadership qualities can advance SDG 1 on no poverty. All companies are linked to global poverty, particularly through their supply chains, and have a responsibility to work towards eliminating negative impacts to the Goal.
