International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities - Chapter 1: Benefits of postsecondary education experiences for adults with intellectual and developmental disability

Elsevier, International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, Volume 66, 2024, Pages 1-31
Grigal M., Soldovieri S.J., Myers B., Papay C., Bukaty C.A.

This article offers a comprehensive overview of the benefits of postsecondary education (PSE) for adults with intellectual and developmental disability. It describes the existing landscape of the current 339 PSE options offered by colleges and universities in the US and the relevant legislative foundations supporting program development. A brief overview of a federally funded model demonstration project, the Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disability program and its corresponding data on implementation and outcomes are shared. Authors review the beneficial impact college planning can have on students in both middle and high school including the importance of helping families consider college options and building academic and nonacademic skills into student education goals and planning. College based transition services are defined and research findings about the beneficial impact of attending these programs are offered. The benefits of the college search process are reviewed, describing the positive development of students having increased postsecondary program options to choose from and the relationship between choosing the right college to support a student's desired career path. The benefits of being a college student, including the benefits of learning, working, and living on campus are shared using vignettes to highlight the voices of college students with intellectual disability. Finally, the authors describe the beneficial impact of PSE for students with intellectual and developmental disability on education and service systems, including higher education, vocational rehabilitation, and disability funding sources.