Perloff's Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease (Seventh Edition) - Chapter 11: Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve

Elsevier, Perloff's Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease (Seventh Edition) 2023, Pages 166-182
Ariane J. Marelli and Jamil A. Aboulhosn

In 1864, Wilhelm Ebstein described the first scholarly account of clinical and necropsy findings “On a Very Rare Case of Insufficiency of the Tricuspid Valve Caused by a Severe Malformation of the Same.” Ebstein’s anomaly encompasses a broad range of severity, but certain features are relatively constant, and these include an elongated anterior leaflet that is attached to the atrioventricular junction and septal and posterior leaflets, which are characterized by apical displacement of their basal attachments.