Safe and Sustainable Arctic Shipping Management and Development - Chapter Eleven: Perspective of frontline individuals involved in Arctic works and research

Elsevier, Safe and Sustainable Arctic Shipping Management and Development, 2024, Pages 151-160
Mawuli Afenyo, Adolf K.Y. Ng, Naima Saeed

This chapter examines the effects of climate change and the relationship with the Arctic based on the perspective of professionals working on climate change and Arctic issues. It covers a study that was conducted onboard the Canadian Ice Breaker Amundsen, as well as major points highlighted and discussed during the International Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Ports, Transportation Infrastructures, and the Arctic (CCAPPTIA) ( We found that most crew members possessed vast experience in sailing through the Arctic and thus had immense understanding of the operational risks of Arctic shipping, while the CCAPPTIA conference participants provided some very insightful comments that would offer valuable references to Arctic stakeholders. We analyze their views to further understand the characteristics and risks that are unique to Arctic shipping, which most normal shipping routes do not possess.