Elsevier, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 26-27, 1 June 2017
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations present a novel approach to global governance where goal-setting features as a key strategy.
Today, accredited zoos are not just places for entertainment, they are actively involved in research for conservation and health.
This paper analyzes the impact of data gap in Millennium Development Goals’ (MDGs) performance indicators on actual performance success of MDGs.
Although it is one of the poorest countries in the world, devastated by the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and heavily aid-dependent, Rwanda has achieved most of its Millennium Development targets fo

Developing-developed world partnerships potentially present win-win opportunities for addressing climate-active gas emissions at lower cost whilst propelling developing nations on a lower-carbon tr

Growing media (substrate) is a fundamental part of a green roof, providing water, nutrients and support to plants.

The process of decision making can be critical in various ways. In particular, because it determines the path towards or away from sustainable development.
In February, 2016, WHO released a report for the development of national action plans to address the threat of antibiotic resistance, the catastrophic consequences of inaction, and the need for antibi
Children at Imperial College London
The Elsevier Foundation partners with Imperial College London to support a high-tech makerspace next to the college. The programme offers 14 to 18 year-olds from one of London's most disadvanataged communities the opportunity to enhance soft skills and engage with cutting-edge science, engineering and design through workshops, afterscool clubs, and mentoring. The maker challange programmes offer important enrichment to young people, who would not otherwise have this explosure, and further support both SDG 4 and SDG 17.
