Earth Observation in Urban Monitoring: Chapter 14 - Artificial intelligence for sustainable urban climate studies

Elsevier, Earth Observation in Urban Monitoring: Techniques and Challenges, 2024, pp 291-307
Kumar D., Bassill N.P.

Urbanization and climate change pose significant challenges to sustainable urban development. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a potential solution method for sustainable urban climate modeling and achieving sustainable development goals. AI presents new opportunities for understanding and mitigating climate risks, especially in urban areas. The chapter highlights the applications of AI in urban climate studies, such as predictive modeling, decision-support tools, and energy optimization. The availability of high-quality data and the lack of transparency and interpretability of AI-based models are just a few of the issues that need to be resolved, though. More accurate and precise models for urban climate can be developed by leveraging AI’s potential to optimize urban planning and transportation systems, improve energy management, and improve disaster response. The chapter also discusses the challenges and opportunities of implementing AI-based systems, such as data availability and transparency. Finally, the report highlights the potential benefits of AI-based systems for creating sustainable and livable urban environments.