
Asian Travel Market
World Travel Market Responsible Tourism unites the global travel industry, companies, organisations and professionals alike, to share sustainable practices and ethical methods and drive the responsible tourism agenda. Tourism is mentioned specifically in Goal 8, 12 and 14. 2017 was the UN International Year for Sustainable Tourism for Development, with dedicated panel sessions examining what the industry can do to meet its commitments across a range of the goals.

World Bee Day 2025: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Our Buzzing Allies

On May 20, 2025, the globe will come together to mark World Bee Day 2024. This isn't just a day to marvel at these buzzing beauties; it's a call to action—a day to realize how bees are integral to many of our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). World Bee Day 2025 seeks to elevate this message, shedding light on the myriad ways bees contribute to our global aspirations.

The Importance of Bees


Menstrual Hygiene Day 2025

Menstrual health is a fundamental aspect of human rights, dignity, and public health. Menstrual Hygiene Day, observed annually on May 28th, is dedicated to breaking taboos and raising awareness about the importance of good menstrual hygiene management (MHM). This year, SDG Resources is leading the charge to educate, empower, and transform the conversation around menstrual health.

The Importance of Menstrual Hygiene


World Ocean Day: Celebrating the Beauty and Importance of Our Oceans

World Ocean Day is an annual celebration of the world's oceans, aimed at raising awareness about the critical role they play in our lives and the need to protect them. Held on the 8th of June, it is a day dedicated to appreciating the beauty and diversity of our oceans, while also promoting conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. In this article, we will explore the history of World Ocean Day, its significance, and how you can get involved in the celebration and preservation of our oceans.


World Blood Donor Day 2025: Honoring the Heroes of Life

Picture this: a world where countless lives are saved every day, not by superheroes in capes, but by ordinary people with an extraordinary gift to give. These are the blood donors, the unsung heroes who, on June 14th, we come together to celebrate during World Blood Donor Day (WBDD).

The Power of a Simple Act


International Day of Yoga 2025: A Confluence of Yoga and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The International Day of Yoga 2025, set to unfold on June 21, 2025, is not just another event on the calendar; it's a global movement. Organized by SDG Resources, this year’s event aims to highlight the synergy between Yoga and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Significance of the International Day of Yoga


World Humanitarian Day 2025

World Humanitarian Day is an international day dedicated to recognizing humanitarian personnel and those who have died working for humanitarian causes. Designated by the United Nations General Assembly, this day honors the efforts of those who risk their lives in the service of others. Observed on August 19th, it commemorates the tragic loss of Sérgio Vieira de Mello, the then Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Iraq, and 21 of his colleagues in the bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad.

The Significance of Humanitarian Work
