Green economy

The Green Economy, as it is understood in the 21st century, is an economic model designed to function in harmony with the environment, as opposed to against it. It actively seeks to reduce environmental risks and ecological scarcities while aiming for sustainable development. It also champions the notion of not only economic, but also social well-being. Central to this model are two guiding principles – reducing emissions and minimizing waste, while increasing efficiency in the use of resources. Thus, the Green Economy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations (UN) are inextricably linked, both attempting to create an integrated approach to solving environmental, societal, and economic challenges.

The 17 SDGs are aimed at eradicating poverty, fighting inequality, and addressing climate change, among others. Many of these goals are directly linked to the principles of the Green Economy. For example, SDG 7 advocates for affordable and clean energy, which echoes the Green Economy's push for the efficient use of resources and lower emissions. Similarly, SDG 12, which is about responsible consumption and production, corresponds to the Green Economy's focus on minimizing waste and resource efficiency.

The Green Economy acts as a driving force to achieve these SDGs by fostering economic growth and job creation, through sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices. By directing investments into sectors such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and green construction, it helps not only in achieving SDGs related to climate action and responsible consumption but also those associated with poverty eradication, zero hunger, and decent work, to name a few. Through this holistic approach, the Green Economy ensures the synergistic attainment of SDGs, promoting an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable future for all.

The relationship between the Green Economy and the SDGs is a symbiotic one, where each feeds into and strengthens the other. The Green Economy offers a practical pathway to reach the SDGs, while the SDGs provide a comprehensive framework that gives direction to the Green Economy. It’s a sustainable match made in heaven, where the implementation of one enhances the achievement of the other, making them two sides of the same coin in the quest for global sustainability and a better future for all.

Images relating to how RELX supports the SDGs including image of 3D anatomy model
As we pass the halfway point for the SDGs, many of the goals are worryingly off track and progress on 85% of the target indicators has stalled or even reversed. Through our information, products and people, RELX remains committed to advancing the Goals. Here are some of the ways that we continue to support their achievement.
This chapter advances UN SDG goals 7 and 13 by evaluating the prospects for microalgae-based biofuels replacing fossil fuels in the global energy industry.
This chapter advances UN SDG goals 7 and 13 by evaulating the potential of hydrogen energy globally as an alternative to fossil fuels for energy and transportation.

World Environment Day 2025: The Journey to a Greener Future

This chapter advances UN SDG goals 7 and 13 by providing an overview of the current prospects and challenges involved in scaling low-carbon H2 production in Europe.
This article is an in-depth analysis of the challenges and solutions for the circular economy. This article relates to SDG 12, Responsible Consumption and production.
title of article
This article, relating to SDGs 7 and 13, details Europe's race to maintain its position as a leader in renewable energy as global green wars intensify. Although Europe is investing heavily in new green technologies, they face significant challenges including increasing competition from countries like China and the US, as well as political and economic challenges.
This study supports SDG's 9 and 13 through its discussion of the effects of optimizing Municipal Solid Waste management systems by increasing waste collection coverage and implementing diverse streams of waste valorization, causing a decrease of atmospheric pollution.
Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd, and it is a global event aimed at raising awareness and promoting action towards environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and since then, it has become one of the largest civic events in the world, with over one billion people participating in activities such as clean-up campaigns, tree-planting initiatives, and educational programs. The theme for 2023 is Invest in Our Planet, a campaign that will focus on engaging governments, institutions, businesses and individuals in the fight against the climate crisis.
This paper focuses on the impact of epidemic situation on carbon emissions in different provinces of China and provide different emission reduction directions and measures for carbon emission research in different provinces.
