Advancing SDGs 2, 12 and 15, this chapter contributes to an understanding of the long-term impacts, challenges and benefits of agronomic practices impacts.

Water Conservation and Wastewater Treatment in BRICS Nations, Technologies, Challenges, Strategies and Policies, 2020, Pages 321-328

Considering the significance of the indigenous knowledge systems toward addressing key environmental concerns, in this chapter, an attempt has been undertaken to address the indigenous knowledge system for water conservation and management.
This book chapter advances SDGs 11, 12, and 15 by discussing the key drivers, obstacles, and opportunities in plastics sustainability, offering a balanced analysis of current challenges and solutions supporting the more sustainable production, use, and re-use of plastics, which are valuable materials with critical applications across civilization.

Paolo Tarolli, Giulia Sofia, Chapter 9 - Remote sensing for the analysis of anthropogenic geomorphology: Potential responses to sediment dynamics in the agricultural landscapes, Editor(s): Paolo Tarolli, Simon M. Mudd, Developments in Earth Surface Processes, Elsevier, Volume 23, 2020, Pages 255-269, ISSN 0928-2025, ISBN 9780444641779,

This chapter advances UN SDG goal 12 by enabling the quantification of geomorphological changes in response to agricultural activities
As climate impacts farming, so does farming impact climate change. Identifying best-practices that optimise food security while protecting the environment is a key to sustainable food security. This chapter contributes to SDGs 2, 3 and 12.
Sustainability assessment of chemical product and process design is essential to reducing waste and improving industrial sustainability. This book chapter advances SDGs 9 and 12.
This book chapter addresses SDGs 12 and 13 by explaining how agricultural machinery has lead to negative environmental impacts and that there are sustainable production methods to create a whole-farm management approach.
This book chapter advances SDGs 15 and 12 by studying plant–soil interactions in mine degraded reclaimed land which provides an important foundation for restoration ecology.

Plastic Waste and Recycling, Environmental Impact, Societal Issues, Prevention, and Solutions, 2020, pages 223 - 249

This book chapter addresses goals 14, 15, and 12 by exploring the origins of microplastics (relating to our society, production and consumption) and the diverse and harmful impacts of microplastics in the marine environment on life underwater, as well as interactions with humans and other life on land at the end of the cycle.

Environmentalism and sustainability are two buzzwords that have come to represent an awakening of the people's collective conscience over the last two decades or so.
