Over the years, chemical pre-treatments have been used intensively to maintain apple quality and reduce decay during postharvest.

Trends in Food Science and Technology, Volume 111, May 2021

Background: Coffee is of the most traded commodities in the world and its market has grown regularly over the last 150 years.


Food Chemistry, Volume 343, 1 May 2021

Food packaging can be considered as a passive barrier that protects food from environmental factors such as ultraviolet light, oxygen, water vapour, pressure and heat.


International Environmental Cooperation and The Global Sustainability Capital Framework, 2021, Pages 1-15

This chapter discusses the need for international environmental cooperation (IEC) in a context of our common vulnerabilities and contingent survivability. It also introduces the Sustainability Capital Framework (SCF) as a core framework for guiding sustainable development, and for delimiting the boundaries of global sustainability.
Elsevier’s new video series features short interviews with research leaders on topical issues for universities. In these episodes, speakers discuss how universities are accelerating progress towards the UN SDGs.

Air Pollution, Climate, and Health, An Integrated Perspective on Their Interactions, 2021, Pages 3-12

Summarizes the documented health effects of climate change and air pollution, and the underlying linkage and interaction, as well as some issues that need to be addressed in future research and policy-making practice. Supports the SDG Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Elsevier, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 93, April 2021
An improved understanding of public support is essential to design effective and feasible climate policies for aviation.
Elsevier, Trends in Food Science and Technology, Volume 110, April 2021
Background: In 2020, human society underwent several drastic changes due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which generated an unprecedented global impact.
Elsevier, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 93, April 2021
As more and more people are buying more and more items online, limiting the ecological footprint of e-commerce deliveries is pressing.
