This paper contributes to the understanding of metal demand development over time by illustrating the impacts of different aspects of technological change using historical data.
Sensing volatile organic compounds (VOC) is a promising approach in particular for the development of non-invasive, fast and inexpensive tool for the anticipated diagnostic of diseases and monitoring
This paper contributes to the understanding of metal demand development over time by illustrating the impacts of different aspects of technological change using historical data.
The European Union implemented Ecodesign and Labelling Directives to support the market diffusion of energy efficient products.
As the technologies we use as a society have advanced, so have the materials used in these technologies.
Over the past decade, raw material price spikes have called attention to the supply security of a variety of critical materials, including rhenium, rare earth elements, and helium.
According to the reports on critical raw materials for the EU, a raw material is considered critical if it has a high economic importance to the EU combined with high supply risk.
As the technologies we use as a society have advanced, so have the materials used in these technologies.
Over the past decade, raw material price spikes have called attention to the supply security of a variety of critical materials, including rhenium, rare earth elements, and helium.