This article advances SDG # 3, 6, 10, 11 and 13 by showing the interaction between poverty, climate change, and health consequences in slum communities in Ghana. Understanding the direct perspective of people “on the ground” can provide solutions that decrease the severe consequences of climate change and extreme weather events in poor communities.
This One Earth Perspective Article explores how coastal communities are increasingly exposed to risks due to trade offs from international conservation efforts and rapid economic and climate change, and argues that policymakers seeking to promote ocean biodiversity (SDG 14) must first prioritize social justice and general resilience to equitably enable sustainable communities (SDG 11).
This study raises awareness of the increased risk of suicide attempts among adolescents from deprived sexual minorities.
Adolescents comprise a small portion of those who receive abortions, but they rely more on abortion care than any other group; approximately 50% of pregnancies in people younger than 15 years and 25% of pregnancies in those aged 15–19 years end in abortion.
Examines whether and how online food delivery improves equity. Indicates that local residents' divergent needs of online and onsite services should be simultaneously accounted for to address the equity issues and improve the service accessibility of socially disadvantaged groups.
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy odds increased with experiences of racial discrimination. Social processes in the Increasing Vaccination Model should include racism.
This Study explores the racial disparities that exist in the emergency departments of 4 hospitals, when they are most prevalent, and how patients' sociodemographic characteristics impact image acquisition time, raising awareness for SDGs 3, 9 and 10.
This Study highlights the existing racial disparities in colorectal cancer screening, relative to SDGs 3 and 10, and dives deeper into how social determinants related to zip code tabulation have a further impact.
This article focuses on listening to new mothers and family to create the right space for the new born with a focus on changes needing to be made to current western type policies.
This Health Policy paper supports SDG 3 and 10 by discussing the situation of Indigenous peoples of Canada in the context of "opt out" organ donation in Novia Scotia, the first area in North America to pass such legislation. The paper explores the potential impacts and issues of such legislation on Indigenous peoples, and makes a series of recommendations which would help to respect the rights and interests of these communities.