
The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, Volume 8, March 2024

Adolescent girls are not receiving the support they need to thrive and are continuously disadvantaged by inattention and broad inequalities that limit their tremendous potential. Their potential is enormous—as is their belief in a better future.
The present study aims to identify key healthcare quality attributes from primary care professionals' (PCPs’) perspective, to validate an instrument that measures PCPs’ experiences of healthcare quality multidimensionally and to define hospital quality priorities based on PCPs’ experiences.
Large language models (LLMs) are positioned to become another destination for those seeking medical information. Consequently, the readability of these materials becomes an important factor in ensuring their effectiveness in promoting health literacy, given that the average American reads at the eighth-grade level. Supports SDGs 3 and 10.
This study emphasizes the importance of adopting nexus approaches in Arctic governance to address the complex interactions between climate change, biodiversity loss, land use pressures, and local livelihoods. While Arctic policies often incorporate nexus elements, there is a need to better recognize the agency and impact of local communities and traditional livelihoods in decision-making processes. This aligns with the goals of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples by highlighting the significance of involving indigenous communities in environmental governance and promoting cross-sectoral policies that consider their perspectives and contributions.
This research highlights the potential environmental and social impacts of scaling renewable energy technologies that rely on transition minerals, emphasizing the need to study resource frontiers to understand the local consequences of global climate policies. This topic is relevant to the International Day of Indigenous Peoples as it underscores the importance of considering the impacts on indigenous communities and their lands in the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions.
The results from this study indicate that the AI-based risk assessment predicts later stage breast cancers as high risk among women who currently are sent at home with a negative mammogram.

The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, Volume 8, February 2024

As a type of violence in intimate relationships, reproductive coercion encompasses a range of behaviours that exert external control over reproductive autonomy, from threats to coerce pregnancy to sabotaging contraception and controlling outcomes of a pregnancy, such as coerced abortion or forced continuation of a pregnancy. At a time when reproductive rights and bodily autonomy are under attack in many countries, and when adolescents (especially transgender and gender-diverse youth) are experiencing large barriers to health care, elucidating core characteristics of reproductive coercion, identifying harm reduction strategies, and preventing relationship abuse and reproductive coercion are of paramount importance.
This Series paper supports SDGs 3 and 5 by examining the determinants of maternal health and mortality and how these could be addressed to improve outcomes. The causes of maternal mortality, and efforts to improve maternal health, require a multipronged and multidisciplinary approach.
This Viewpoint supports SDGs 3 and 10 by examining how structural ableism denies disabled people equitable access to health care, and discussing the principles by which it could be reduced.
XpertHR's 2023 global research report on pay equity highlighted the critical role of leaders in advancing pay equity strategy. This article discusses three key actions leaders at high-impact organizations take to design and execute on a fair pay strategy that democratizes pay, advances a people-first culture, and improves business outcomes. This article furthers SDG goals 5, 8 and 11.
