Multi-stakeholder partnerships

Multi-stakeholder partnerships play a pivotal role in advancing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recognizing the scale and complexity of the global challenges the SDGs aim to address, these partnerships bring together actors from the public sector, private sector, civil society, academia, and more. By leveraging the unique resources, perspectives, and capabilities of diverse stakeholders, these partnerships can significantly enhance our collective ability to achieve the SDGs.

Multi-stakeholder partnerships can facilitate innovative solutions to complex issues. For example, collaborations between technology companies, governments, and NGOs can create digital solutions that improve access to education (SDG 4) or health services (SDG 3). By sharing knowledge and resources, partnerships can also address the issue of poverty (SDG 1) by creating sustainable job opportunities, providing financial resources, and offering necessary training and education.

Beyond fostering innovation, these partnerships promote inclusivity and leave no one behind, a fundamental principle of the SDGs. By ensuring that all voices are heard - from marginalized communities to large corporations - multi-stakeholder partnerships can create solutions that are equitable and effective, thereby promoting SDG 10, which calls for reduced inequalities.

Additionally, multi-stakeholder partnerships exemplify the spirit of SDG 17, which advocates for the strengthening of the means of implementation and revitalization of the global partnership for sustainable development. SDG 17 acknowledges that our global challenges are interconnected and that collaborative and coordinated efforts are crucial to achieving the SDGs.

However, to be effective, multi-stakeholder partnerships must be governed by principles of transparency, accountability, and mutual respect. Clear communication, defined roles and responsibilities, and regular assessments of progress are also crucial for success.

The Africa Regional Data Cube (ARDC), based on the Open Data Cube infrastructure, is a technological innovation that layers 17 years of satellite imagery and Earth observation data for five African countries. This report identifies the key enabling environment, data management and sharing factors that affect the operationalization of the ARDC and makes recommendations to inform the scale-up of the technology, furthering SDGs 9 and 17.
Linking to SDGs 6 (clean water and sanitation), 12 (responsible consumption and production) and 17 (partnerships for the goals), this website catalogues and facilitates water stewardship projects in river basins and regions around the world.
The purpose of this study was to examine how innovative SDP organizations’ interactions with external stakeholders influence the social innovation process. Innovation represents the implementation of new or improved ways to promote social change. The authors conducted semi-structured interviews and focus groups with 48 SDP leaders representing organizations located across six continents.

The number of countries with a national development plan has more than doubled, from about 62 in 2006 to 134 in 2018. More than 80 per cent of the global population now lives in a country with a national development plan of one form or another. This is a stunning recovery of a practice that had been discredited in the 1980s and 1990s as a relic of directed economies and state-led development. Several factors have fostered this re-emergence but from about 2015 the momentum for producing plans has accelerated, driven in part by a need to plan for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Antimicrobial Resistance, 2019. 

This article selection displays a sample of research that Elsevier publishes in its microbiology and medical journals, highlighting Elsevier's contribution to the efforts of battling the huge problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Research within this selection supports SDGs 3 (good health and well-being), 6 (clean water and sanitation), 12 (responsible production and consumption) and 17 (partnerships for the goals).
Elsevier, Progress in Disaster Science, Volume 2, July 2019
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction encourages investment in innovation and technology development in disaster risk management. However, needs for science and technology inputs are unmet, and there is a lack of policy making that is based on science and evidence. This paper identified three key issues that could help overcome these barriers: networking, coproduction of knowledge, and a stronger role played by academia.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is ambitious and inclusive, but how well are these global aspirations likely to result in implementable policy change for water and sanitation? This article assesses governance challenges at the local level associated with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which pledges to ensure sustainable water and sanitation for all. The majority of developing countries manage services at the subnational level, making the quality of local governance the key ingredient for improvements in the sector.
This chapter addresses SDGs 3 and 10 by exploring the process of Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR) from two Deaf Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) practitioners working in partnership with an international team.
This report explores the role of business in securing a healthy, productive and well-governed ocean, contributing to SDGs 12, 13 and 14. Private sector innovation and investment, together with strong public and private governance frameworks, could exponentially increase the amount of sustainable resources delivered from the ocean, including healthy food, secure and affordable clean energy, and more efficient and lower-carbon transport.
The UN has adopted the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015–2030; SFDRR) in March 2015 and the member countries agreed to shift from disaster management to disaster risk management. The SFDRR is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs; September 2015). In 2016, the UNISDR together with partner organizations has prepared roadmap for mainstreaming Science and Technology in SFDRR. Out of four priority areas, this paper focuses on the appraisal of challenges in SFDRR priority 1 “understanding disaster risk” through the lens of science, technology and innovations.
