Multi-stakeholder partnerships

Multi-stakeholder partnerships play a pivotal role in advancing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recognizing the scale and complexity of the global challenges the SDGs aim to address, these partnerships bring together actors from the public sector, private sector, civil society, academia, and more. By leveraging the unique resources, perspectives, and capabilities of diverse stakeholders, these partnerships can significantly enhance our collective ability to achieve the SDGs.

Multi-stakeholder partnerships can facilitate innovative solutions to complex issues. For example, collaborations between technology companies, governments, and NGOs can create digital solutions that improve access to education (SDG 4) or health services (SDG 3). By sharing knowledge and resources, partnerships can also address the issue of poverty (SDG 1) by creating sustainable job opportunities, providing financial resources, and offering necessary training and education.

Beyond fostering innovation, these partnerships promote inclusivity and leave no one behind, a fundamental principle of the SDGs. By ensuring that all voices are heard - from marginalized communities to large corporations - multi-stakeholder partnerships can create solutions that are equitable and effective, thereby promoting SDG 10, which calls for reduced inequalities.

Additionally, multi-stakeholder partnerships exemplify the spirit of SDG 17, which advocates for the strengthening of the means of implementation and revitalization of the global partnership for sustainable development. SDG 17 acknowledges that our global challenges are interconnected and that collaborative and coordinated efforts are crucial to achieving the SDGs.

However, to be effective, multi-stakeholder partnerships must be governed by principles of transparency, accountability, and mutual respect. Clear communication, defined roles and responsibilities, and regular assessments of progress are also crucial for success.

The SDG Impact of COVID-19 podcast series gathers expert opinion exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals. In this segment, we get the view of Joan Walley, Chair of the Aldersgate Group and former Labour MP.

The new 2030 sustainable development agenda is likely to dominate policy and academic debates at both national and international levels over next 15 years and beyond. It is, therefore, a crucial time to critically reflect how the SDGs are likely to shape - and be shaped by - the wider research community. Each peer-reviewed paper will address the common question of: “how is the SDG agenda influencing scholarly debates in different research areas, and vice-versa?”.

Elsevier, Annals of Epidemiology, Volume 47, July 2020
Purpose: Given incomplete data reporting by race, we used data on COVID-19 cases and deaths in U.S. counties to describe racial disparities in COVID-19 disease and death and associated determinants. Methods: Using publicly available data (accessed April 13, 2020), predictors of COVID-19 cases and deaths were compared between disproportionately (≥13%) black and all other (
The sixth RELX SDG Inspiration Day took place on Wednesday 24 June 2020 with nearly 400 representatives from business, NGOs, academia and civil society. The Inspiration Day gave hope that, although the pandemic has created significant barriers to meeting the SDGs by 2030, global collaboration is our best bet for overcoming them.
The SDG Impact of COVID-19 podcast series gathers expert opinion exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals. In this segment, we get the view of Jo Youle, CEO of Missing People.
As the world of research moves towards open access, publishers have a further task – ensuring the knowledge gap between the Global North and Global South continues to close. Contributing to SDGs 10 and 17, this paper provides an evidence base supporting practical recommendations towards the equitable and inclusive shift towards open access
Elsevier, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Volume 23, June 2020
To be socially accepted widely, the emerging circular bioeconomy needs to rely increasingly on residual bio-based feedstock and waste, hence reducing its dependency on crops which are in competition with agriculture/food markets. Food waste represents a valuable option as it allows for the production of a wide range of bio-based products ranging from biofuels to bioplastics. First successful experiences have shown that the involvement of stakeholders with different behaviours, values and backgrounds is a key enabler of the process.
Few public health interventions can match the immense achievements of immunization in terms of mortality and morbidity reduction. However, progress in reaching global coverage goals and achieving universal immunization coverage have stalled; with key stakeholders concerned about the accuracy of reported coverage figures. Incomplete and incorrect data has made it challenging to obtain an accurate overview of immunization coverage, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). To date, only one literature review concerning immunization data quality exists.
Inspiring collaborative, scalable action on the SDGs. This virtual event will explore topics including what are the opportunities for the Goals post Covid-19? What innovations are accelerating achievement of the goals? What does the ‘new normal’ mean for the Goals?
The SDG Impact of COVID-19 podcast series gathers expert opinion exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals. In this segment, we get the view of Susan Myers, Strategic Advisor at Goal 17 Partners.
