
Technology plays a central role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), and SDG 13 (Climate Action). The transformative power of technology can accelerate progress towards all the SDGs by driving economic growth, reducing inequalities, enhancing access to basic services, and promoting sustainability.

Under SDG 9, technology, particularly in terms of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), is a key enabler of industrial innovation and infrastructure development. ICT has the potential to drive economic growth by enhancing productivity, creating jobs, and fostering entrepreneurship. Moreover, it can contribute to making industries more sustainable by facilitating the transition towards smart manufacturing and circular economy models.

Regarding SDG 4, technology can greatly enhance access to quality education. Digital technologies, including e-learning platforms, can break down barriers to education, such as geographical distance, socio-economic status, and physical disabilities. They can also enrich the learning process by enabling personalized, student-centered learning experiences.

In the context of SDG 3, technology has a profound impact on health outcomes. Medical technologies, from simple devices like thermometers to complex systems like MRI machines, have revolutionized healthcare delivery. Furthermore, digital health technologies, such as telemedicine and mobile health apps, can enhance access to health services, improve patient outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs.

For SDG 13, technology offers powerful tools for mitigating and adapting to climate change. Renewable energy technologies can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while climate information services can enhance resilience to climate impacts. Furthermore, digital technologies can facilitate the monitoring and reporting of climate actions, contributing to greater transparency and accountability.

However, the benefits of technology are not automatic, and there are significant challenges to overcome, including the digital divide, cybersecurity threats, and ethical issues related to privacy and data ownership. Thus, policy interventions and multi-stakeholder partnerships are needed to ensure that technology serves as a catalyst for sustainable development and does not exacerbate inequalities.

The Africa Regional Data Cube (ARDC), based on the Open Data Cube infrastructure, is a technological innovation that layers 17 years of satellite imagery and Earth observation data for five African countries. This report identifies the key enabling environment, data management and sharing factors that affect the operationalization of the ARDC and makes recommendations to inform the scale-up of the technology, furthering SDGs 9 and 17.
This report showcases the latest transaction patterns, trends and cybercrime threats in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). It is essential reading for anyone involved in cybersecurity, financial crime, digital identity, fraud management and threat detection, advancing SDGs 8 (decent work and economic growth) and 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions).
Advancing SDG 8, decent work and economic growth, this podcast takes an in-depth look at how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly significant role in recruiting and hiring, cybersecurity, payroll and other employment areas.
This event primarily focusses on SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), exploring the technical and engineering challenges of addressing all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Green Food Processing Techniques: Preservation, Transformation and Extraction, 2019, Pages 1-21

Advancing SDGs 3, 9 and 12, this chapter gives an overview of green food processing concepts, strategies and tools.
A civil engineer/cyclist helps his research team understand challenges faced by cyclists with disabilities. This article links to SDGs 3 and 10.
This chapter explores the use of geographical information systems (GIS) and statistical approaches to determine the extent of fluoride contamination in groundwater (SDG 6).
Elsevier, TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 114, May 2019
The presence of small plastic particles in the environment, reported for the first time in the 1970's, has only recently been recognized as a global issue. Although environmental awareness continues to grow, so does its consumption and associated risks. The number of studies reporting the presence of microplastics, has grown exponentially as did the concern over plastic degradation into smaller particles like nanoplastics, a potentially more pernicious form of plastic pollution.
Currently, learning technologies are transforming and modifying educational systems with impressive progress of Information and Communication Technologies. Furthermore, when these technologies are available, accessible, usable and affordable, they represent more than just a transformation for people with disabilities, they represent real opportunities with access to an inclusive education and help to overcome the obstacles they meet in classical educational systems.
The UN has adopted the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015–2030; SFDRR) in March 2015 and the member countries agreed to shift from disaster management to disaster risk management. The SFDRR is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs; September 2015). In 2016, the UNISDR together with partner organizations has prepared roadmap for mainstreaming Science and Technology in SFDRR. Out of four priority areas, this paper focuses on the appraisal of challenges in SFDRR priority 1 “understanding disaster risk” through the lens of science, technology and innovations.
