
Journal of Responsible Technology, Volume 12, December 2022, 100048

An investigation, linking particularly well to SDGs 10 and 5 focusing on equality, which shows how researchers can actively engage with equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in their work, and how EDI considerations must remain an ongoing effort. The authors, working in the field of responsible research and innovation (RRI), intentionally employed EDI in their project recruitment, and reflect here on the adjustments they made as a result. The recruitment of persons with disabilities led to some particularly interesting and new insights in this study looking at trustworthiness in the design of autonomous systems with evolving functionality.

Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 40, September 2022

A promising gene therapy called anti-tau ASO shows potential in lowering harmful tau protein linked to Alzheimer's disease.
An Article on readmission to depressive symptoms among people who are refugees, in the context of SDGs 3 and 10, focusing specifically on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of care practices for this population in Germany.
It is important to identify factors that mitigate the impact of racism-related stress and adversity on birth outcomes.
Experience of domestic violence has been suggested as a risk factor for diabetes. Longitudinal data from 5782 Australian women over 20 years were analysed. Childhood sexual abuse and intimate partner violence predicted subsequent diabetes. The association was only partly attenuated when obesity was taken into account. Awareness of a history of abuse may help in the management of obesity and diabetes in women.
Examines multiple forms of adolescent violence perpetration across gender, racial/ethnic, and sexual identities. Boys reported greater rates of perpetration than girls, except for teen dating violence. Perpetration rates did not differ for intersection of gender by race/ethnicity. Perpetration rates varied across racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minority students compared to non-minority students.
An Article showing the beneficial impact of lifestyle interventions on weight loss and weight maintenance among the Pasifika community, in the context of SDG 3 and 10.
A Viewpoint on the interplay between social, climate, and health challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean, in the context of SDGs 3, 10, and 13, highlighting the need to address these challenges with adaption and mitigation policies that prioritise people's health and wellbeing.
Different lines of research have argued that specific groups, such as boys or ethnic minorities, are more prone to develop an anti-school culture than others, leading to group differences in the socia
This study shows that TB progression risk is higher in native Peruvians, and the conclusions support including more diverse populations in genomic studies to provide better targeted healthcare in indigenous populations.
