Mental Health, War Trauma and Migration

Table of contents


Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 195, September 2022

This article ties to SDG 3. The purpose of this study was to construct and initially evaluate the psychometric properties of the War Anxiety Scale (WAS) and the War Persistent Thinking Scale (WPTS).

Journal of Migration and Health,
Volume 7,

This article ties to SDG 3. This study aimed to synthesize the literature on evaluations of psychosocial support interventions for populations affected by forced displacement.

Journal of Affective Disorders,
Volume 327,

This article ties to SDG 3. This study assesses the new Prolonged Grief Disorder International Classification of Diseases criteria in a large international sample of bereaved adults to test global applicability.

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific,
Volume 33,

This article ties to SDG 3 & 4. This study evaluates the effectiveness of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) in a group format delivered by lay counselors to children with trauma-related symptoms in China.

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,

This article ties to SDG 3. This systematic review examined 2 decades of questionnaires used to assess emotion (dys)regulation in children and adolescents to be able to guide appropriate selection of measurement tools for assessing specific domains of child and adolescent emotion dysregulation in the future.

Journal of Affective Disorders,
Volume 326,
Pages 168-192

This article ties to SDG 3. This systematic review evaluated Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), specifically and only within clinical populations, offering relative homogeneity combined with a rigorous approach.

The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, Volume 2, February 2018

This article ties to SDG 3. This review describes interventions of note that are delivered to refugee children and adolescents as well as parenting and school interventions, and broader socioeconomic and cultural interventions.

Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Volume 434, 15 October 2016

This article ties to SDG 3. In this review, the impact of war-related trauma on the incidence of PTSD in civilian and military populations as well as differences associated to gender in the incidence and recovery from PTSD is discussed. In addition, the mutually influencing role of inflammation, genetic, and sex hormones in modulating the consequences derived from exposure to traumatic events are discussed in light of current evidence.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Volume 24, 1 October 2015

This article ties to SDG 3. This article studied the responses to displacement in the context of child development

International Journal of Educational Development, Volume 41, 1 March 2015

This article ties to SDG 3 & 4. This article explores the role of schools in supporting unaccompanied young refugees in critical psychosocial transitions concerning processes of socialisation, integration and rehabilitation upon resettlement.

The Lancet Psychiatry, Volume 1, 1 October 2014

This article ties to SDG 3 & 4. In this Review, evidence for mental health interventions in schools in accordance with a public mental health approach spanning promotion, prevention, and treatment was provided.

The Lancet Psychiatry, Volume 1, 1 October 2014

This article ties to SDG 3 &4. In this Review on school-based mental health interventions and services in high-income countries the aim was to contextualise and identify key areas for consideration and development of school-based mental health interventions and services.

Lancet, Volume 365, 9 April 2005

This article ties to SDG 3. This article analysed the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder, major depression, or psychotic illnesses in general refugee populations in western countries.

Child Abuse and Neglect, Volume 133, November 2022

This article ties to SDG 3. The aim of this systematic review is both to summarize findings regarding the prevalence of mental health disorders among unaccompanied refugee minors (URM) in European countries since the last available systematic review (October 2017), and to describe associated risk factors.

Psychiatry Research, Volume 317, November 2022

This article ties to SDG 3. It outlines some of the epidemiology of the consequences of war, the mental health sequelae specifically, and the complexity of providing culturally and contextually relevant interventions that meet the needs of children.

SSM - Mental Health, Volume 2, 2022, 100153

This article ties to SDG 3. This study reviewed the literature on family-based mental health interventions for refugees across migration contexts and settings to identify types of interventions and intervention components, implementation approaches and to assess effectiveness.

SSM - Mental Health, Volume 1, 2021, 100028

This article ties to SDG 3. It identifies psychosocial interventions conducted in middle childhood with forcibly displaced children; summarizes the characteristics of the included interventions; identifies the methodological quality of the studies; and identifies effectiveness of the interventions.

SSM - Mental Health, Volume 2, 2022, 100115

This article ties to SDG 3. This study compares the long-term associations of sexual and non-sexual physical violence with psychological distress. In addition, it explores associations of sexual and physical violence with perceptions of self and others.

Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 319, 2022, Pages 142-163

This article ties to SDG 3. This article studied prenatal maternal stress as a risk factor for offspring mental health challenges.

Current Opinion in Psychology,
Volume 48,

This article ties to SDG 3, by offering a framework to better understand the health disparities and appropriate interventions for refugee children

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 50, July 2011

This article ties to SDG 3. This article examines illogical thinking in children from low-income families with and without histories of child maltreatment.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 50, July 2011

This article ties to SDG 3. This article examined the development of PTSD in infants and young children 1.5 to 5 years of age exposed to war-related trauma over a lengthy period.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 50, April 2011

This article ties to SDG 3 &4. This study describes the effects of a universal, teacher-based preventive intervention implemented with Israeli students before the rocket attacks that occurred during Operation Cast Lead, compared with a nonintervention but exposed control group.

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume 27, October 2022

This article ties to SDG 3. This research examined the mental health of a cohort of asylum-seeking children, adolescents and their primary caregiver affected by insecure residency while living in the community, compared to refugees and immigrants.

World Development, Volume 161, 2023

This article ties to SDG 3. In this article the question: "Does internal conflict erode national identity in Sub-Saharan Africa?" is explored in the context of the 2012 Tuareg rebellion in Mali.

Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 147, 2023

This article ties to SDG 3. This systematic review aimed to provide an overview of research investigating the association between potential biomarkers and the development of PTSD or posttraumatic stress symptoms

SSM - Mental Health, Volume 2, 2022

This article ties to SDG 3. In this article, a system innovation perspective was used to examine the factors influencing the potential for scaling up a task-sharing psychological intervention for refugees called ‘Problem Management Plus’ (PM+) in the Netherlands.

Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2022

This article ties to SDG 3. This article investigated whether wartime stress exposures occurring during adolescence and early adulthood affect weathering in late adulthood via linear regression with data from the Vietnamese Health and Aging Study (VHAS).

The Arts in Psychotherapy, 2022

This article ties to SDG 3 & 4. This study tests whether intolerance of uncertainty changes with participation in improvisational theater class, and whether that change can explain changes in social anxiety.

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Volume 91, 2022

This article ties to SDG 3 & 4. The present study adapted and assessed the efficacy of a brief psychological group intervention, the STAR program: Strengths, Transitions, Adjustments and Resilience for university students who are Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).The present study adapted and assessed the efficacy of a brief psychological group intervention, the STAR program: Strengths, Transitions, Adjustments and Resilience for university students who are Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Child Abuse & Neglect, Volume 134, 2022

This article ties to SDG 3. This article addresses gaps in available measurement methodologies in child protection interventions, and pilots a methodology to assess a package of key child protection interventions in a single, holistic and integrated approach.
Elsevier, SSM - Population Health, Volume 18, June 2022
This article ties to SDG 3. This review aimed to systematically summarise the quantitative literature on the relationship between employment and health and wellbeing for refugees and asylum seekers.
Elsevier, Neuropharmacology, Volume 218, 1 November 2022
This aritcle ties to SDG 3. This review is focused on the most widely used drugs for the pharmacological treatment of PTSD with a translational approach, including clinical and preclinical studies, to emphasize the need to develop safer and more effective medications.

Social Science and Medicine, Volume 301, May 2022

This article ties to SDG 3. It analyzes how social-capital-based interventions can improve the mental health of refugees.

The Lancet Psychiatry, Volume 8, January 2021

This article ties to SDG 3. In this study, time-varying associations of pre-migration and post-migration stressors in refugees' mental health were explored. Understanding these time-varying association could help in designing tailored health promotion services at different resettlement stages and improving the efficiency of resource allocation.

Heliyon, Volume 5, December 2019

This article ties to SDG 3. The study analyses, first, how various traumatic war events, such as losses, horrors and life-threat, are associated with maternal mental health and dyadic mother-infant interaction quality, indicated by maternal emotional availability (EA). Second, it tests a hypothesis that maternal insecure attachment risks and secure attachment protects good mental health and optimal EA from negative impacts of traumatic war events.

Social Science and Medicine, Volume 239, October 2019

This article ties to SDG 3 & 4 by reviewing school-based programs aimed at improving the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of adolescent forced migrants in high-income countries. Found gaps can be used to improve the quality of these programs and thus the quality of education and support for adolescent forced migrants.

Clinical Psychology Review, Volume 63, July 2018

This article ties to SDG 3. This review investigated the effect of psychological interventions on PTSD inrefugee and asylum seeker populations. There is a high prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in refugee and asylum seeker populations which can pose distinct challenges for mental health professionals.

Journal of Migration and Health,
Volume 7,

This article ties to SDG 3. This systematic review assess the diagnostic accuracy of screening tools for PTSD in refugee and asylum seeker populations.
Elsevier, SSM - Population Health, Volume 18, June 2022
This article ties to SDG 3. This review aimed to systematically summarise the quantitative literature on the relationship between employment and health and wellbeing for refugees and asylum seekers.

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,
Volume 145,

This article ties to SDG 3. Analyzing relations among neuronal, endocrine, immune, and biochemical signatures of trauma and internalizing and externalizing behaviors, including the role of personality traits in shaping these conducts, this review highlights that the marked effects of traumatic experience on the brain/body involve changes at nearly every level of analysis, from brain structure, function and connectivity to endocrine and immune systems, from gene expression (including in the gut) to the development of personality.

Journal of Psychiatric Research,
Volume 157,

This article ties to SDG 3. This study investigated main influencing factors and neurobiochemical biomarkers of Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) in trauma patients with a purpose of early clinical identification and intervention.

Child Abuse & Neglect,
Volume 135,

This article ties to SDG 3. This qualitative study explores the drivers of, and barriers to, commitment in short-term foster care within the broader aim of examining whether short-term care is meeting the needs of maltreated young children.

Behavior Therapy,

This article ties to SDG 3. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted evaluating stepped care prevention (i.e., targeting those with recent trauma exposure at risk of developing PTSD) and treatment approaches for adults and adolescents/children with PTSD.

Journal of Affective Disorders,
Volume 325,
Pages 248-255

This article ties to SDG 3. In the present study psychotherapy readiness domains as predictors of psychotherapy outcome in trauma-affected refugees was examined.

Health & Place,
Volume 79,

This article ties to SDG 3. This scoping review looks at the role of place in refugee mental health.

Journal of Anxiety Disorders,
Volume 94,

This article ties to SDG 3. In this study, the longitudinal association between a measure of how people cope with uncertainty (intolerance of uncertainty (IU)), fears for the future, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and depression symptoms was investigated.

Journal of Emergency Nursing,

This article ties to SDG 3. This study aimed to identify assessment and referral practices of emergency departments at rural community hospitals related to care for suicidal veterans and explore the feasibility and acceptability of identifying veterans in need of postdischarge aftercare.

Journal of Migration and Health,
Volume 7,

This article ties to SDG 3. The aim of this study was to identify the determinants of life satisfaction and mental health disorders in Hazara Shias and ascertain which socio-demographic characteristics are associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Child Abuse & Neglect,

This article ties to SDG 3. This paper explores the perspectives and experiences of 404 Frontline Support Workers providing services to children with Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse(CSEA) experiences in seven countries, considering trends and implications for boys.
Elsevier, Neuropharmacology, Volume 218, 1 November 2022
This aritcle ties to SDG 3. This review is focused on the most widely used drugs for the pharmacological treatment of PTSD with a translational approach, including clinical and preclinical studies, to emphasize the need to develop safer and more effective medications.

Volume 224,

This article ties to SDG 3. It reviews converging lines of evidence that suggest that development of prefrontal cortical circuitry necessary for both social experiences and fear learning is altered by stress exposure in a way that impacts both social and fear behaviors throughout the lifespan.

Volume 226,

This article ties to SDG 3. The objective in the current review is to provide an update on the development of new pharmacological treatments for anxiety disorders and PTSD.

Volume 224,

This article ties to SDG 3. The present work compiles the recent findings of glucocorticoid administration for the prevention of a PTSD phenotype, from human studies to animal models of PTSD.

Volume 225,

This article ties to SDG 3. This review highlights evidence that Maternal Separation (MS) interferes with neural development to permanently alter bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) circuitry, which may account for a variety of behavioral deficits seen following early life stress.