
To advance goal 5, XpertHR have recorded a webinar that discusses the steps employers are taking to address or improve the gender pay gap within their organisations.
This article and video highlights a project between Elsevier and Wageningen University which examines how research impacts society, with a particular focus on SDG 2.
Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are crucial in the functioning of most forest ecosystems. Increased understanding of ECM symbiosis has led to numerous advancements in environment protection and forestry. The ECM fungi are a diverse group, both phylogenetically and functionally. Research covering their community structure on distinct sites shows that the presence of certain taxa depends on particular stand traits, such as tree species and age structure.
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Advancing goal 17 through an inspiring event bringing together government, NGOs and private sector.
This chapter explores goals 1 and 10 by examining whether the social sustainability enjoyed by sugar industry employees can be maintained given expanding beet production, falling world prices, promotion of healthy diets and the development of sugar alternatives.
The authors work at the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence (GCCE) at the University of York and are all currently involved in the H2020-BBI-funded project ReSolve for the development of safer bio-based solvents. Solvent applications for dihydrolevoglucosenone (Cyrene) and 2,2,5,5-tetramethyloxloane (TMO) are among their prominent discoveries. Dr. James Sherwood leads the Alternative Solvents Technology Platform at the GCCE. His research interests include solvent effects in organic synthesis and the substitution of hazardous solvents with novel bio-based solvents. Dr.
Considering the area of Lecce province (Salento peninsula, Apulia region, Southern Italy), this study outlines the non-linear cascading paths related to groundwater depletion and salinization in an urbanized coastal region depending quite entirely on groundwater resources of a coastal karst aquifer.
Who wants to become a business leader? We investigated whether young adults' work values (i.e., the importance placed on different job characteristics and rewards) predict their entrepreneurial aspirations (i.e., the intention to create a venture) and leadership aspirations (i.e., the intention to become a leader in a business context). Furthermore, we illuminated whether gender differences in work values contribute to the pervasive gender gap in these aspirations.
An increasing number of cities and local governments adhere to transnational initiatives on climate change mitigation, but quantification of their contribution to the Paris Agreement commitments is lacking. To address this, the climate mitigation trajectory to 2050 of Covenant of Mayors (CoM) signatories has been studied. As of October 2017 there are more than 7600 signatories covering 238 million inhabitants, mainly from European cities. Of these 533 have already reported on the implementation of their climate action plans and 207 signatories have declared a long term target beyond 2020.
In July 2015, Scotland became one of the first countries to sign up to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which, unlike their forerunner the Millennium Development Goals, are not restricted to developing nations. Their respective targets should drive policy decisions for Scottish fisheries, in keeping with the universal intent of the new goals. This paper explores the relevance of SDG 14 to the Scottish fishing industry, noting that there are a number of linkages with other goals and targets that should be considered within management frameworks.
