
This feature length article highlights findings from three new reports, showing the progress by companies complying with the UK Modern Slavery Act. With almost half of FTSE companies currently not complying, and 77% of companies that participated in a recent research study agreeing there is a likelihood of modern slavery occurring in their supply chains - there is still much to do. The goal of SDG target 8.7 is to take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.
London's ability to remain a world-leading city in an increasingly globalised economy is dependent on it being an efficient, low-risk place to do business and a desirable place to live. However, increasing climate risk from flooding, overheating and water scarcity threatens this, creating the need for adaptation. An adaption pathway describes a structured sequence of adaptation decisions that are designed to manage climate risk in a wide range of possible future conditions.

Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 27, 1 November 2016

Water reuse networks have been emerging globally for the last 50 years. This article reviews the economic, social and environmental issues related to implementing water reuse networks in cities. This is reflecting the fact that globally many cities are categorised as water scarce areas, where there is growing imbalance between water demand and availability. In this sense, there is a need for sustainable water supply solutions in the imminent future to provide and maintain service reliability, particularly in the face of climate change.

Network organization Amsterdam Data Science (ADS) and Elsevier are collaborating together on several fronts, including research and development, joint promotion of Amsterdam as a data science center, and data science talent development. This partnership marks the first long-term collaboration agreement signed by ADS and is interetsed in advancing SDG 9 targets 5, B and C. A number of projects have already started. These are focused on improving data search and reproducibility of research that will ultimately result in higher quality research outcomes.
18th October 2016 was the 10th EU Anti-Trafficking Day, coinciding with the UK's Anti-Slavery Day. This article published on this day of awareness reflected on the considerations and opportunities for businesses regarding modern slavery, including the establishment of Alliance 8.7, focused on accelerating the work on SDG 8.7, which is to take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.
California-based Facebook is planning to build two data centres measuring 184,000 square metres in Denmark’s third largest city. This could push up total Danish power demand by a 10%, and accelerate investments in wind production. Increasing the production of wind power and other renewables contributes to the advancement of SDG target 7.2 to increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
As part of the UK Government’s Women in Finance Charter, 72 firms have agreed to publish progress on gender equality annually, ahead of gender pay reporting Regulations in 2017. Sixty firms in the UK have committed to having at least 30% of women in senior roles by 2021. Thirteen finance companies are aiming to have complete gender parity in senior roles by 2021. These steps directly align with SDG 10.4 to adopt policies, wage and social protection policies, to progressively achieve greater equality.
This case study looks at the impact of stress on a part-time worker with celebral palsy, and its effect on their well-being. The study shows how using a proactive approach, including the use of HSE stress management standards, can help to avoid negative outcomes for the employee. Stress management in the workplace contributes to the advancement of SDG 3.4 to prevent and treat mental health issues and promote well-being.
PTSD Resolution has launched a training programme for managers with employees who are suffering from PTSD. The programme was initially set up in response to demand from employers of former soldiers. Programmes to tackle PTS contribute to advancing SDG 3.4 to prevent and treat mental health issues and promote well-being

ICIS Special Report, EPCA, 26 September 2016

Increasing diversity and inclusion in the petrochemical workforce
There is a strong business case for increasing diversity and inclusion in the petrochemical workforce. EPCA’s new initiative on the subject aims to discover best practice and embed diversity and inclusion into management thinking and company DNA. This is important for advancing SDG 10.2 to empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.
