North America


ICIS AFPM Supplement March 2017, pages 32-33

The rush to build large-scale petrochemical complexes in the US Gulf Coast area has encouraged companies to take a collaborative approach to finding and encouraging talented and skilled workers. The drive for growth cannot be achieved without creating decent work for all which advances SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth.
Effective communication to citizens is of prime importance during public health crises involving water. This paper takes a sequential mixed method approach to the problem of communicating drinking water risks prevention of exposure to health risks in cities.
Elsevier, Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Volume 30, 1 February 2017
Study Objective Produce Girl Talk, a free smartphone application containing comprehensive sexual health information, and determine the application's desirability and appeal among teenage girls. Design, Setting, Participants, and Interventions Thirty-nine girls ages 12 to 17 years from Rhode Island participated in a 2-phase prospective study. In phase I, 22 girls assessed a sexual health questionnaire in focus groups. In phase II, 17 girls with iPhones used Girl Talk for 2 weeks and answered the revised sexual health questionnaire and interview questions before and after use.
This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by reviewing neural regeneration–based therapeutic approaches as it represents a highly promising therapeutic strategy for AD, including research that CNTF small-molecule peptide mimetic has demonstrated that neural regeneration–based strategy can also be disease modifying for AD.
Rationale Much of the data on the acceptability of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is based on willingness to take PrEP (i.e., hypothetical receptivity) rather than actual intentions (i.e., planned behavioral action) to do so. Objective We sought to examine differences between hypothetical willingness and behavioral intentions to begin PrEP in a national sample of gay and bisexual men (GBM) across the U.S.

Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 28, 1 January 2017

This paper discusses the CO2 footprint of California's drought during 2012–2014. We show that California drought significantly increased CO2 emissions of the energy sector by around 22 million metric tons, indicating 33% increase in the annual CO2 emissions compared to pre-drought conditions. We argue that CO2 emission of climate extremes deserve more attention, because their cumulative impacts on CO2 emissions are staggering. Most countries, including the United States, do not have a comprehensive a nationwide energy-water plan to minimize their CO2 emissions.


Climate Risk Management, Volume 16, 2017

The primary objective of this study is to determine what drives states to plan for the impacts of a changing climate. As the climate continues to change, climate scientists have projected changes in water quantities available for human and other uses. This quantitative study examines how state water plans and state hazard mitigation plans address climate change. Plans were coded for the extent to which they address climate change in their calculations regarding future water supply and demand.

LexisNexis partnered with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) to develop the Automated Delivery of Alerts on Missing Children Programme, known as ADAM. SDG 16.2 aims is to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children and the ADAM Programme provides a simple solution to engage citizens, businesses and organisations in finding missing children in the US.
This study sought to assess the relationship between regulatory and educational approaches to nutrient management and homeowner behaviors, perceptions, and knowledge of best management practices (BMPs). Fertilizers, and pesticides applied in excess by homeowners and landscapers can impair stormwater ponds and cause nuisance algae blooms, eutrophication and fish kills. They can also affect water quality in downstream creeks, and bays.
Models of university-utility collaboration.
In the face of intensifying stresses such as climate change, rapid urban population growth, land use change, and public concern with rates and use restrictions, water management is becoming increasingly complex in the cities of the American West. One strategy to improve water management practices in this changing social-ecological context is to develop collaborative relationships that facilitate the engagement of multiple stakeholders at multiple scales.
