Gender equality and women's empowerment

Gender equality and women's empowerment play a vital role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations. Acknowledging the significance of SDG 5, which explicitly targets gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, it's worth noting that these elements are fundamentally tied to all 17 goals. Each goal, whether it pertains to poverty eradication, quality education, or climate action, is directly or indirectly affected by gender dynamics. Gender inequality inhibits economic growth (SDG 8) by depriving economies of the full potential of half its population, thereby exacerbating poverty (SDG 1) and hunger (SDG 2). Additionally, gender-based discrimination can limit access to quality education (SDG 4) and decent work (SDG 8) for women and girls, further perpetuating inequality. In health matters, gender roles and stereotypes often result in disparities in healthcare access and outcomes (SDG 3). With respect to environmental sustainability (SDGs 13, 14, and 15), women, particularly those in rural areas, bear the brunt of climate change impacts, but they also hold unique knowledge and skills crucial for mitigation and adaptation strategies. Likewise, women's underrepresentation in decision-making roles limits their influence on peace and justice (SDG 16) and partnerships for goals (SDG 17). Thus, achieving gender equality isn't only about justice for women and girls, but also about progress on every SDG. Women's empowerment creates a multiplier effect that boosts economic growth and promotes sustainable development, thereby setting a direct path towards achieving the SDGs. Encouragingly, concerted efforts worldwide are recognizing and amplifying women's roles in society, placing gender equality and women's empowerment at the heart of the SDGs. Such advancements signify a positive stride towards a balanced and equitable world.

Background: Although hindrances to the sexual and reproductive health of women are expected because of COVID-19, the actual effect of the pandemic on contraceptive use and unintended pregnancy risk in women, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, remains largely unknown. We aimed to examine population-level changes in the need for and use of contraception by women during the COVID-19 pandemic, determine if these changes differed by sociodemographic characteristics, and compare observed changes during the COVID-19 pandemic with trends in the 2 preceding years.
Background: Genomic medicine has led to significant advancements in the prevention and treatment of cancer. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines recommend BRCA1/2 screening in high-risk individuals; however, the guidelines have not incorporated differences within ethnic cohorts beyond Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity. We analyzed the prevalence of BRCA1/2 mutations in various ethnicities and identified high-risk personal characteristics and family history incorporating differences within ethnic cohorts beyond Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity.
In this episode of the “World We Want” podcast series, RELX’s Global Head of Corporate Responsibility, Dr. Márcia Balisciano, talks to Tessy Antony de Nassau about leadership.

Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2021

Recognizes gender as a complex entity and recommends indivoidualized care approaches for gender diverse patients, especially youth. Supports SDG 5: Achieve gender equality.
Newly married women in Nepal experience increasing levels of violence over time. Intimate partner violence was positively associated with recent pregnancy and childbirth.
Elsevier, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 147, May 2021
This study assesses whether the negative exogenous informational shock of the MeToo scandal has affected women's perception of security. The MeToo movement was first reported in the media worldwide in October 2017, and has received enormous press coverage since then. The exogenous and unanticipated nature of the scandal provides a natural experiment that we can use to quantify how wider external information affects ‘ordinary’ women's perceptions of security and their willingness to report feelings of dissatisfaction with security levels.

Global Emergency of Mental Disorders, 2021, Pages 353-364

This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 16 by explaining the risk factors that are specific to women with regard to mental disorders. These risk factors include socioeconomic disadvantages, violence, low income and income inequality, lower social status, and responsibilities of caring for children and family members.
Background: Female genital mutilation (FGM) can leave a lasting mark on the lives and minds of those affected. Aim: To assess the consequences of FGM on women's sexual function in women who have undergone FGM compared to women who have not undergone FGM. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted from 3 databases; inclusion and exclusion criterions were determined. Studies included adult women having undergone FGM and presenting sexual disorders assessed by the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Results: Of 129 studies, 5 that met the criteria were selected.
Introduction: Estrogen receptors (ER) (ERα, ERβ) and aromatase (key enzyme for estrogen synthesis) are expressed in most human NSCLCs. High intratumoral estrogen levels and elevated aromatase expression in NSCLC predict poor outcome. This open-label, phase 1b, single-center study evaluated the safety and tolerability of escalating doses of the aromatase inhibitor, exemestane, in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed in postmenopausal women with stage IV nonsquamous NSCLC.
This chapter reviews mental and physical health consequences for members of households with an established culture of violence, highlighting their heightened vulnerabilities and need for tailored resources during times of increased stress such as the pandemic.
