
The empirical analysis shows that unregulated water vending makes households without connection to pay higher tariffs for water. The paper among others recommends that tariffs at which vendors should sell water to customers should be set and closely monitored in order to ensure that households without connections have access to water at reasonable tariffs.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by providing information on various culturally sensitive methods to assess and treat mental health conditions onset by factors contributing to the immigration process for adolescents, adults, and older adults.
Findings from multiple studies link acculturation processes to the psychological and behavioral health of Latino immigrant population in the United States. A critical factor impacting this relation is the context of reception where immigrants settle. Several studies of acculturation have been conducted in traditional receiving contexts, and less attention has been paid to Latino immigrants in emerging contexts. In this chapter, we have discussed how traditional and emerging contexts of reception can confer very different experiences to Latino immigrants, and their significant implications for Latino immigrant health. Further, given the recent influx of crisis migrants from Central America, we have discussed receiving contexts for these newest Latino immigrants to the United States and demonstrated how such contexts might impact their psychological and behavioral health. We concluded with a discussion of implications for the development of policy, as well as culturally specific prevention and intervention programs for Latino immigrants.

Three Facets of Public Health and Paths to Improvements, Behavior, Culture, and Environment, 2020, Pages 261-294

This chapter advances goals 3 and 5 by generating awareness for US women caregivers to receive compensation and developing the job industry to embrace women caregivers in MENA countries.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by outlining a community-based participatory research (CBPR) project where academic researchers and community organization leaders identify mental health and parenting needs through a needs assessment and panel discussion
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by reviewing the health and mental health inequities of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities and how to overcome the disparities.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by reviewing important considerations for working with Arab/Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) youth, including considerations of acculturation, discrimination, and cultural considerations regarding clinical care
Background: In Niger the prevalence of girl child marriage and low female control over family planning (FP) has resulted in the world's highest adolescent fertility. Male control of FP is associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) and reproductive coercion (RC). We assessed associations of IPV and RC with FP use among married adolescent girls (ages 13–19 years) in Dosso, Niger (N = 1072).
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by providing an overview of the mechanisms and factors likely to influence mental health and access to care of ethnic minority older adults.
This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 10 by reviewing specific applications of CPT in diverse populations and across cultures. This chapter provides a clinicians with guidance in applying this approach to the patients they may see in their own settings in order that they can all apply CPT in the most culturally sensitive way.
