
Global issues are inextricably linked to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Established in 2015, the SDGs provide a universal blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. They encompass a wide array of global challenges, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice, among others, making them a comprehensive framework for international cooperation and action. Each SDG is further divided into specific targets, which are designed to address these challenges at multiple levels.

One of the fundamental principles of the SDGs is that they are interconnected; solving one issue often contributes to resolving others. For example, tackling poverty (SDG 1) can help reduce hunger (SDG 2) and improve health and well-being (SDG 3). Similarly, pursuing quality education (SDG 4) can empower women (SDG 5), and create decent work and economic growth (SDG 8). In turn, these efforts can contribute to reduced inequalities (SDG 10) and promote peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16).

In the era of globalization, the role of international cooperation in achieving the SDGs is crucial. The global nature of many contemporary challenges, such as climate change or the COVID-19 pandemic, necessitates that nations work together to address these issues. As such, the SDGs provide a shared global agenda that transcends national borders and brings together diverse stakeholders, including governments, civil society, the private sector, and individuals.

While the SDGs provide the framework for global action, they also have implications for local and national contexts. Countries, regions, and cities are encouraged to tailor the global SDGs to their own contexts, developing local strategies and initiatives to achieve these goals. By addressing global issues at both global and local scales, the SDGs promote a multilevel, integrated approach to sustainable development.

Overall, the relationship between global issues and the SDGs is one of mutual influence and interdependence. The SDGs reflect the urgent need to address global challenges, while also providing a pathway towards solutions. They are a testament to the power of international cooperation and the potential for collective action to create a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world.

Sexual and gender minority (SGM) individuals face marked disparities in substance use. The present narrative review explores research on substance use in SGM communities using a minority stress theory lens. We define the SGM population and minority stress, and explore stresses and substance use disparities in adolescence, adulthood, and older age. Though research on this topic is beginning to highlight the relationship between stress and substance use for SGM individuals, more work is needed on older SGM populations and in translating research findings to effective interventions.
The current regime governing Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) as a global commons has resulted in overutilization of fisheries resources and patchwork attempts to regulate resource extraction. States are looking to expand resource extraction in ABNJs, including marine genetic resources, creating pressures to regulate these activities. As a result, since 2004, the United Nations has been holding preparatory meetings to lay the groundwork for a new international legally binding instrument (ILBI) to address the gaps left by UNCLOS.
The 2018 Lancet Countdown report directly contributes to SDG 13 (climate action), SDG 3 (good health and well-being) and SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure). The report indicates that climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. Stressing the need for governments to focus on decarbonising economies, in order to reduce rates of cardiovascular and respiratory disease, and reduce risk factors linked to infectious disease and mental illness.

Social Media: The Academic Library Perspective, Chandos Publishing Social Media Series, 2019, Pages 45-55

This chapter addresses SDGs 4 and 10 through the use of a case study from a very large academic library that collaboratively compiled a set of guidelines specifically addressing copyright and disability issues on social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It also discusses disseminating these guidelines through a series of workshops targeted at social media managers, and offers an initial assessment of the guidelines impact on social media account owners, managers, and users.

Advanced Rehabilitative Technology, Neural Interfaces and Devices, 2018, Pages 1-10

Presents insights into emerging technologies and developments that are currently used or on the horizon in biological systems and mechatronics for rehabilitative purposes. This chapter addresses SDG 10 by providing detailed description of the bio-mechatronic systems used and then presents implementation and testing tactics to address the challenges of rehabilitative applications in areas of bio-signal processing, bio-modelling, neural and muscular interface, and neural devices.
A human-centered design thinking approach has been applied to a course at the MIT D-Lab on creating low-cost prosthetic and assistive devices for the developing world. Teams of students with diverse backgrounds are paired with international stakeholders and industry partners to tackle real-world prosthetic technology needs, learn the design process through interactive lectures and workshops in the classroom, and are given the opportunity to conduct testing of the prototypes generated during the semester at field sites around the globe.
