
This article This Article supports SDGs 9, 11 and 13 by looking at the case of FuelEU maritime as an example of policy change for decarbonisation of international maritime transport.
This Article supports SDGs 9 and 13 by looking at how carbon emissions can be mitigated by way of public procurement with environmental conditions
This Article supports SDG 3 by analysing the effect of parental death on subsequent antidepressant use among children and young people, looking at a cohort of 7-24 year olds in Sweden. The study found an increased risk of antidepressant use over the 12 years of follow-up, particularly if the surviving parent has mental health issues. The authors suggest that research and interventions could focus on mental health issues of the child and surviving parent, and the interaction between them.
This Article supports SDG 3 by evaluating the effect on mental health of the Community Wealth Building programme in Preston, UK, whereby the local economy in this economically deprived area was boosted by shifting to local supply chains. Compared with control areas, an improvement was seen in mental health outcomes such as prevalence of depression. The authors suggest that such a model could simultaneously help to advance economic regeneration, improve health and wellbeing, and reduce regional inequalities.
This Article supports SDG 3 by examining the relationship between BMI and mental health in a large dataset of adolescents in the UK, finding this relationship to be mediated by happiness with appearance and self esteem. The authors note that greater emphasis should be placed in school cirricula, advertising, and social media on promoting healthy body image and self esteem and reducing weight stigma.
The gender pay gap has declined slightly, although the majority of organisations continue to have a gap in favour of males. This article explores a number of statistics covering pay and bonus gaps, with details of broad sector and industry, and relates to SDG 5, Gender Equality.
To determine parent based perceptions of a SEND cycle training programme, factors which predict intention to cycle more and ongoing barriers to cycling.
This Article supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 by showing a positive association between hearing loss without hearing aid use and dementia in adults aged 40-69 years in the UK. The authors analysed all-cause dementia, as well as specific types including Alzheimer's disease. Hearing loss was associated with increased risk of dementia, and using hearing aids was associated with a similar risk of dementia to no hearing loss, suggesting that hearing aid use in people with hearing loss could reduce dementia risk.
Results from this study contribute to define a complete set of environmental and social data and information, which can help European decision makers to define new criteria for sustainable management of the waste plastics of interest. A new methodological approach has been proposed: it appears able to be applied in future research projects involving innovative management options.
This paper explores the potential implementation of the Consumption Footprint rationale to define a footprint indicator for the EU Bioeconomy, henceforth ‘Bioeconomy Footprint’. This indicator can be a powerful tool for a comprehensive and effective monitoring of the bioeconomy sectors: to capture environmental impacts over time, identifying environmental hotspots, highlighting geographic and sectorial trade-offs, and identifying burden shifts among impact categories and along the supply chain.
